1. Virtually all of them do, with the exception of the first image.
2. Yes, all links are labeled with indications of where they lead, although some of the pictures may not be clear.
3. Yes, all pages have Back/Next.
4. You have to click back through the entire site, but since the site is designed to be linear in is not that bad.
5. It is extremely obvious, with simple Next/Back buttons.
6. Yes, the title is How To be Normal.
1. Somewhat, although it is extremely rudimentary and simple.
2. Yes, there are no major color clashes, ad most colors go together well.
3.Yes, no contrast issues.
4. I feel that it is, with the whole 'Normal" theme being reflected in the sites simplicity, but I doubt that was intentional.
5. Yes, it is reflected across very page.
6. Yes, it is readable quite easily, no major contrast issues or small typeface.
7. Besides that large amount of amusing GIFs, nothing incredible stands out.
1. People who wish to be normal.
2. Yes, there is very little actual text.
3. I feel that the websites lack of textual information does help 'speak', although in a different way to most.
4.Yes, no major contrast issues.
5. Yes, the text that is there is short and succinct, and really needs no headings.
Other Technical Considerations
1. Yes, it loads fairly quickly.
2. Yes, all links function correctly.