Friday, October 17, 2014

Assignment 7 Blog Responses

1. URL's are the 'addresses' of a page of information on the internet, the URL tells the computer where exactly the page of information is located. It stand for Uniform Resource Locator.
2.There are usually three or four parts of a web address.   For example The first part http:// is what type of method or resource is to be used to access that file. http means that the file should be accessed using a hypertext document or directory. The second part, the WWW, tells the computer where the data is located. WWW stand for World Wide Web. The third part is the actual address/name of the site. Blogger is our address.
3. The is the domain name, or in what domain the address is located in. .Com is usually used by commercial businesses or enterprises. The domain name puts a simple word after the address, instead of a stream of numbers. So we would type, instead of whitehouse. It specifies which server the address is located on.
4. They are stored on servers, which download the relevant information to your computer when you access the URL.
5. Sport and News, in order to sort the bookmarks by what they are relevant to.

Logo Paragraph

Our logo design will appeal to our target audience because it shows the hidden nature inside the walrus. The design will help those like Mr. wiggles to more easily identify our site as one that knows the truth. The negative space will allow those with the trained eye to see the truth, Mr. Rodgers and  Mr. Powell using their investigative skills are easily able to identify this site as one that could be useful after seeing the alien hidden with in the walrus. "Shady" Pete might think the site hostile at first and enter to investigate, then come to realize that this is exactly the information he needed to catch the walrus in the act. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Profiles And Demographics

Name: Timothy wiggles 
Age: 37
Occupation: Zoologist
Gender: Male
Background: Timothy is a renowned zoologist, well accredited for his work on the cold weather mammals. He has been studding the walrus especially. Recently he has noticed some strange things happening with in the walrus herds and has been searching the web trying to find out if these events have ever happened before. After finding our site he's realized that what's happening with the walrus herds matches the description of an attack mobilization. He will use this new information to warn people and continue to study the walrus to discover any future plans.

Name: Will Powell
Age: 34
Occupation: Police detective 
Gender: Male
Background: Will has been working in the police force for many years and had finally made his way up to the rank of detective after many years of hard work. Recently he has been working on the case of missing fishermen in the north, they would sail out to hunt walrus and fish and would never return , the only things that they've been able to find is wreckage but no bodies had been found until this week when a middle aged man was found with a large tusk impaled through his body. Will has done some research and found this to be a walrus tusk. Upon discovering our site Will has come to believe this attack might not have been random, but a coordinated effort instead. Further results on the investigation are still pending.

Name: Norville Rodgers
Age: 18
Occupation: Mystery Solver
Background: Norville and his dog were out investigating the ghost of Captain Cutler, when through the mist they heard strange noises in the water. Thinking it might be Cutler Norville put on the dive suit and began to descend into the depths of the ocean. Upon arriving at the ocean floor he switched on his lights to reveal a herd of walrus bringing metal and other various materials into an underground cavern. Norville approached the cavern and saw some sort of ship looking creation inside. He quickly retreated for fear of the walrus noticing him.  After doing some research and finding our site, he now believes that the walrus may be constructing some sort of spaceship for an attack on earth.

Name: "Shady" Pete
Age: 47
Occupation: Homeless Man
Background: "Shady" Pete and the boys are a band of coastal hobos. They live near the beach because many people don't eat all their food and often Pete and his boys can score big meals here. One night pete noticed several of his favorite cans were missing, with nothing left but a trail of garbage leading to the ocean. He decided to investigate and hid the next night and watched some other cans. He discovered that it was a large blubbery creature with tusks that was stealing his cans. Upon further research at the local internet cafe he discovered that this creature was a walrus. Wondering is this behavior was normal for a walrus he continued his research until he found our site, revealing the truth, and realized that these walrus could be up to something sinister and spooky and that he should be on guard. 

Logo Design

This website is for those who have questions pertaining to the true nature of the Walrus.

Simple, compact, clean

"Discover the truth..."

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Are the things you experience on your phone "real life"?

I believe that phones are reality, but in a very censored and restrictive sense. By using your phone, especially modern smart phones, you open up a new realm of communication possibility, which can have a very real effect on your life, allowing you to communicate with associates, loved ones, or other important conversations. However, this power can easily be abused. The ability to contact someone at essentially any moment can easily turn from being an effective means of communication, to being nothing but meaningless 'LoL's and unintelligent conversations. This escalates even farther, both the good and the bad, with smart phones. You can access anything you can on a computer, allowing you to do work, anywhere you get reception. At the same time, access to the internet can also be distracting, and you can quickly go from working to laughing at other people's 'Fails', which as no bearing in real life. So, are the things you experience on your phone real life? It depends on what it is on your phone. A spreadsheet for work? A conversation about where you want to meet for dinner, or about your work hours? Yes, those are very much real life things. A video about a cat with a funny meow? Or a picture of a cat eating a cheeseburger? No, those things have no bearing or relevance in real life. In addition, it is completely impossible to show everything through a phone screen. Life is about the experience of being their, of seeing an event with your own eyes. While phone videos or pictures can shed light on a situation, or give you the experience of being somewhere you could not possibly afford, it is never the same as truly being there. So, in conclusion, the majority of experiences on phones are nothing but restrictive and small glimpses of reality, but reality all the same. Some things though, are completely false and incorrect, but through a phone, it may be hard to tell the difference.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Website Good and Bad

Two Well Designed Websites:

The design is smart and simple, with the needed information being extremely easy to find on located directly on the front page. The site is clean and responsive, even with a video on the front page the site loads quickly. Navigation is simple. with the header of the page containing all the information needed about the location. The colors contrast nicely, and the page is symmetrical and sharp.

A website I frequent, the design is not overly stylish, but is extremely functional. The site is clean and loads very quickly, as well as having very effective navigation. The site makes effective use of its white space, and has a sharp and clean interface. The layout is also clean, and easy to navigate.

Bad Website

This website is just a mess. The colors contrast horribly, and the background color is just horrible. Unwanted audio plays as soon as the page loads, and doesn't stop for half a minute! Navigation is horrible, and the clue as to where links lead are non-existant. The text is just one massive block of words, and is virtually impossible to scroll through, as it is written more like a blog than an informational website.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cody Davis-Mclaughlin
Tyler Gonzalez

1) Don't make the users think: make the point of the website clear and anything on it obvious

2)Don't waste the users time: Don't require the user to fill out form and share information for a site that they may never use again.

3)Focus the users attention: Don't fill your page with useless distracting images or videos.

4)Show off your features: provide simple buttons that take them where they need to go

5)Make your writing effective: avoid cute or misleading names/fonts, make sure people know what they're getting into.

6)Simple is best: keep the website simple and uncluttered.

7)Don't be afraid of white space: to much clutter can take away from the point of the actual website.

8)Make navigation simple: a website should be simple to find where you're going , not clicking potatoes and getting a link to a dinosaur cultist.

9)Test your website: test your website to make sure it works.

10)Use colours correctly: don't make a hot pink back ground with neon yellow writing. 

11)Be consistent with design: If one page has ducks all the pages have ducks.

12)Make it load!: make sure your site loads quickly and efficiently.

13) Have clarity: make sure everything is aligned and clear.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


1. Yes, the majority of all text links are simple text, telling where it will lead, but picture links really do not have an obvious destination.

2. It took four clicks to reach the page I wanted.

3. Yes, the click response time is extremely fast, the response occurring virtually instantly.

4. Yes, the majority of all the text links are blue, and underline or otherwise highlight themselves when moused over. The pictures give no indication that they are clickable, other than the cursor changing.

5. It is fairly intuitive, links going exactly where you expect, with the cues being obvious and obscured. The majority of things that appear clickable are, and things that aren't clickable appear to be not clickable.

6. It is readable, with the majority of the text being simple, decently sized, and simple black on white text.

7. The purpose is extremely obvious, with products being recommended as soon as the site first loads, and savings and deals being emphasized.


1. Yes, the site is simple with contrasting colors, and appears very clean, but it can get cluttered or confusing at times.

2. Yes, the simple white background allows the other colors to be emphasized along with the black text, but nothing is to harsh, or to faded.

3. Yes, the important information is in simple black text, which completely contrasts against the white background, making reading simple.

4. Yes, the design favors no one, due to the broad spectrum of Amazon users, so its simplicity is very appropriate. Its text is functional, and works at many resolution,

1. Yes, the summaries of products are often simple and informative, and the peer reviews even more so.

2.  The website does speak to its largest audience fairly well, by being simple and informative. Since its audience is so large, this is really the only way to reliable speak to the majority.

3. Yes, it is a simple white background with black text.

4. Yes, certain information about products are separated by headings, or subheadings, making specific information easy to find,

5. Not to information, but to related items that may be required for use with that item you are looking for.

6. Yes, all products list their original manufacturer, and links to the manufacturers website, or gives contact information.

7. Yes, extremely regularly.

Other Technical Considerations

1. Yes, it loads quickly on all devices.

2. All the links I could find were valid, but some of them were redundant.